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July 24, 2024

Ghana Chocolate Hub

…bringing you the updates on Ghana's cocoa value addition industry

Mother's Day



Awwww, what an exciting way to make all the mothers in your life happy with a pack of Ghana Chocolate.

Mother’s Day is a special day set aside globally to celebrate the love of mothers and to honour their sacrifices to families, homes and communities. The celebration of Mother’s Day began with Anna Jarvis in 1908 and became an official U.S. holiday in 1914. It is observed in different forms throughout the world.

While dates and celebrations may vary, Mother’s Day traditionally involves presenting Mamas with flowers, cards and other gifts, including Chocolates and other cocoa products. Traditions may also vary depending on the country. 

The Gift of Chocolate

Historically, Chocolate which was considered by the ancient Mayans as a gift of the gods has been used as a gift for many special occasions across the world. One of such stories which talks about the entry of chocolate to Europe also mentions that Friars who presented Guatemalan Mayans to Philip II of Spain in 1544 also brought cacao beans along as a Gift.

Well, it is worth mentioning that a celebration such as Mother’s Day may not be as exciting and sweeter without the Gift of a Mother’s Day Chocolate. A surprise gift of chocolate to Mama on Mother’s Day will most definitely be the icing on her “cake” and no matter how old she may be, the delight which chocolate brings along cannot be overemphasized.

Sending a beautiful array of chocolates to Mama on such a unique occasion for all mothers will not only come as a joy to her alone but to all those around her including her community and all Chocolatiers.

Let’s consider some reasons why you should consider getting a Ghana made chocolate for Mama on Mother’s Day.

Premium Cocoa

Ghana’s premium cocoa comes with all the qualities required of a world class chocolate, making it a great product for all. As a result of the production methods and good agricultural practices adopted by Ghanaian farmers and the post-harvest processes involved in the production activities, the best flavours are well maintained in Ghana’s chocolate. This has positioned Ghana’s chocolate as a premium product giving it a great value and a global appeal.

Know that by buying a Ghana made chocolate for Mama, you are giving her some of the finest cocoa products in the world.

  • The Health Benefits

Chocolate, especially dark chocolate, offers a wealth of health benefits for Mamas. The compounds in dark chocolate help protect against the oxidation of Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL), the bad type of cholesterol, thereby increasing the good cholesterol High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) in the blood. This can also lower the risk of heart disease and lower blood pressure. Chocolate is also great mood booster. In fact, Phenylethylamine, a chemical in chocolate, is the chemical the brain produces when one falls in love. So you see, your Mother’s Day Chocolate may bring more than smiles to your Mama. Flavonols, which are also found in chocolates, increase blood flow to the skin and can reduce damages already caused by excessive exposure to the sun.

  • Boost for Local Economies

Buying Chocolates, especially, artisanal chocolates creates jobs and opportunities for processors and farmers in the cocoa value chain. It’s a known fact that chocolate, a bye-product of cocoa is a product of a multibillion dollar industry which has the potential to create revenues for artisanal chocolate companies and the awesome cocoa farmers in rural Ghana. So you can see that buying a pack of chocolate for Mama on Mother’s Day will go a long way to keep other members of the community Mama loves in employment and her children/grand children in school, thereby making her happier. Indeed Purchasing locally made chocolate ensures that profits stay in Ghana.

  • Boost for Farmer’s Income

Consuming locally made chocolate may ensure good income for Ghana’s hardworking cocoa farmers. This will in turn keep them in business, reduce rural poverty and provide a better livelihood for them and their families. Ghanaian farmers will be grateful you did.

  • Community Development

Purchasing a premium Ghana Chocolate for Mama on Mother’s Day has the capacity to enhance Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility activities of local chocolate firms. These CSR activities may eventually lead to the development of communities where such companies are located, thereby promoting community development to improve general livelihood in areas such as water supply, education, health, etc.

Wheeew!, so with all these great benefits about chocolates for Mama, don’t wait another minute. Go! and grab a pack of chocolate for your Mama or any woman who has been a Mama to you. She or they will bless you.

Let’s do it for Mama today!


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